Nestled in the vibrant core of Mumbai, Sbooch was conceived by Nirraj and Kajall Manek. Their vision was to create a beverage that could captivate the palates of every generation, a genuine crowd-pleaser designed for everyone. Driven by their passion to authenticity and wellness, they set out to craft a drink that would redefine the bottled beverage industry


But they did not embark on this journey alone. Nirraj and Kajall were joined by a dream team – a collective effort of creative minds and meticulous artisans, each adding their unique magic to the mix. We call them our "magic makers," and together they're dedicated to crafting a one-of-a-kind beverage experience for all


Inspired by the ancient elixir of Kombucha, Sbooch is a modern twist on a timeless drink. We honor tradition while embracing fresh ideas. Packed with all natural plant-based goodness and free from any artificial additives or preservatives, Sbooch is not only delicious but also kind to your gut


Bringing family gatherings, boardroom discussions, travel adventures, brainstorming sessions, and moments with friends fueled by Sbooch! We envision a future where Sbooch is a household name, a refreshing drink cherished by individuals of all ages—from toddlers to seniors. It's a delicious celebration of India's rich culture, all while promoting gut health


With every bubbly sip of Sbooch, a story unfolds, a heritage is celebrated, and taste takes center stage. Here's to ushering in a new era of lifestyle, Sbooch - The New Kulture


What’s your go-to Sbooch flavor?


Favorite snack to pair with Sbooch?
Jackfruit chips


A surprising benefit of drinking Sbooch?
Better gut health


Sbooch in three words?
Innovative, Exciting, Diverse


If you could create a new Sbooch flavor inspired by any location in the world, what would it be?

What’s your go-to Sbooch flavor?


Favorite snack to pair with Sbooch?


A surprising benefit of drinking Sbooch?
It keeps you active, and doesn’t feel bloated


Sbooch in three words?
Energy, Gut Health, Indian


If you could create a new Sbooch flavor inspired by any location in the world, what would it be?
I would like to make something from fresh cashews from Vengurla, in the Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra

What’s your go-to Sbooch flavor?
Oh, that's a tough one! Naga Pepper... wait, no... Tulsi Lemon... actually, I love them all! It's so hard to choose just one among our six incredible flavors!


Favorite snack to pair with Sbooch?
Definitely Makhana! It's all about keeping it healthy and delicious


A surprising benefit of drinking Sbooch?
Gut health and refreshment! It's a zillion times better than any soft drink out there


Sbooch in three words?
Gut-Friendly Magic


If you could create a new Sbooch flavor inspired by any location in the world, what would it be?